Monday, September 21, 2015

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Jew do you think the first Terrorists were?

This is a must see video.
The trail always leads back to the damn Jews.

Ban This Flag?

Click on this flag to see why it should be banned.
Keep watching my videos to educate yourself, I try to find them short and sweet.

Please subscribe to my blog for news from the front lines.

Songs of Secession

There is rebellion in the air...   I'm proud of the Confederate flags and car tags in abundance every where I go in the Southland... A people silently uniting is what I see.

Start telling folks which flags that they can fly or not fly and this is what happens.

Purging Americas White Heros

Where will we draw the line in erasing American history?

Why should we take anything down and hide it in the closet.

Just stick our head in the sand like an ostrich and it will all go away and be ok...

Or click here:

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Saturday, September 12, 2015

The Last Rebel Yell - 1930 Confederate Veterans

I don't know what other blog is going to give you an authentic rebel yell...

 The South Shall Rise Again!

To see some real Rebels click on this link and watch the 3 minute video:

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Cop Of The Month - Good Cops & Bad Cops

I found this website interesting... good and bad cop tales. Mostly bad. - The No Spin Zone? Elementary Dear Watson...

Why did Alex Jones bury his David Duke interview? Was it beacause of the J word........?
Decide for yourself by clicking here:

Here is the interview if you would care to watch, I highly recommend that you do...

Colbert Launches 'Late Show' with Donald Trump on the screen with the KKK

Well, at least I was blogging at the same time as watching the premiere episode and those minutes of my life were not completely wasted...

Fuck Colbert.

Trump for President!

Click here to waste a few minutes if your life:

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Zionist Seek Multicultural Extermination Of Austria And Europe

Master of puppets...   Ronald Barazon

Where is "Charles The Hammer" when we need him

Charles "The Hammer" Martel saved Europe from the Muslim Hordes.

Read more about Uncle Charles here:

And here...  

Black Supremacist says "It's open season on white people and cops"

Here is King Nothing. Listen to this shit.

Like my momma used to say..." If you don't have anything good to say don't say anything at all".

It's best if I bite my tongue on this one. Watch this video and I'm sure we will be on the same page.

It's not worth getting my blood pressure up.

Current Confederate Flag Hate News

             Graves dug up and vandalized, Confederate flag bearers run off the road and killed.

Others were beat up, robbed, shot at and more...

For the latest hate crime news against white southern people and their heritage, click here since the Southern Poverty Law Center and mainstream media is racist and won't report these events as what they are, hate crimes.

6 of the top 9 at The Southern Poverty Law Center are Jews. Hmmmm...

The Zionists are making good money fighting the truth...

Click here to see how much

Guess Who Controls The Southern Poverty Law Center?

Guess who hates what they call "hate groups"? 

The nice folks from Israel who made it illegal in their country to marry outside of their race. 

What the Fuck? 

Click on this great site to learn who really controls your world...


Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Current Black On White Crime News

News that doesn't show up in your daily, evening propaganda.

The Federal Reserve Explained In 3 Minutes

The ultimate " Pyrimid Scheme"

Who does the Federal Reserve own? I mean, who owns the Federal Reserve?

When you watch this video be sure to read the comments.

There you will find the true owners of the Federal Reserve since they claim on their website
 " No one owns it".

Farrakhan calls on 10,000 Blacks to rise up and Kill White Cops

I would be pissed off if I was an officer in Texas and heard this speech.
Click on the link and listen to this shit.


League of The South Secession Speech by William Flowers

 For the Survival, Well Being and Independence of The Southern People - League of the South

Quite a powerful speaker, Mr. Michael Flowers....

If all men could only be as honorable, enlightened and eloquent in their thoughts....  A must hear.

Who owns ALL of the 12 major news outlets and movie studios in Hollywood?

Who has 100% mind control of Americans sitting on their couch watching the tube since the 1950's

Click on the link and watch the video to see the light...

Monday, September 7, 2015

Alex Jones vs David Duke interview. The truth comes out.

Who is the real werewolf ? Alex Jones works with, is business partners with, married to and sells snake oil for who?

Click this link to see whats really happening on the front lines of the INFOWAR...